If an appeal is filed, the Provost or their designee may sustain or deny the appeal, may remand the matter for reconsideration by the Dean and/or rehearing by a third party, or may take other steps as the Provost deems appropriate.
The Dean’s decision may be appealed to the Provost by the student or the instructor, but only on the grounds of procedural violation.If the Dean recommends a grade change, the decision shall be sent to the Provost for approval and implementation. The Dean/designee will inform the student in writing of the decision.Each side is permitted to bring one support person (non-participating) to the hearing with advance notice to the Dean. Each party will make a presentation regarding his or her position.
In instances when an academic grievance committee is convened, it will be composed of three faculty members and two students typically but not necessarily from within the division, but exclusive of those associated with the student, instructor, or program involved in the dispute.The academic grievance committee will make a recommendation to the dean. The administrator who facilitated the informal resolution process will not hear the case or be on a committee in the formal resolution process. Both parties shall receive all submitted documents. The Dean/designee will reach a resolution by either holding an individual hearing or establishing an academic grievance committee where both parties participate, together or separately, to investigate the claims and counterclaims. The second party to the dispute must also provide the Dean/designee with a written account of the matter in dispute. Student academic grievances must be specified in writing to the Dean/designee, along with supporting evidence that clearly identifies the cause of the grievance in relation to the definition of academic grievance included in this policy. If the matter is not resolved, then the student may choose to initiate the formal resolution process within the timelines established by this procedure. The Dean/designee will seek to reach an informal resolution between the parties. Disputes that are not resolved directly between the parties involved may be brought to the appropriate Dean’s office responsible for the course. A student who believes that he or she has been aggrieved must first attempt to seek an informal resolution with the other party involved in the dispute. Only the Provost (chief academic officer) has the right to file an administrative grade change should a grievance involving a grade be accepted. The assignment of grades is not generally considered a justifiable grievance under this policy unless published policies or procedures have been violated. Procedures are designed to provide objective and fair treatment (as provided specifically in the procedures) of both students and faculty and to resolve disputes in a timely manner.Īn academic grievance is a claim that a specific academic decision or action that affects the student’s academic record or status has violated published policies or procedures. The purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide Champlain College students the opportunity for additional review of the facts pertaining to an academic decision affecting them. Students with academic grievances may use the Academic Grievance Policy and Procedure below. Student academic problems are to be handled initially between the student and the faculty member teaching the course involved. Reenrollment and Readmission to Champlain College. Enrollment in CPS Division Online Courses - Undergraduate. Military and Veterans Education Benefits. Course Withdrawal without Academic Penalty.
Course Waivers and Course Substitutions.
Commencement Ceremony - May Participation. Changes in Courses or Schedules (Add/Drop Period). Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal.